Our different types of events
Every month, we organize several events to stimulate your business and your mindset. These events are organized by us and take place most of the time in the coworking premises. Some are organized outside, such as networking events.
We organize these events according to the needs and interests of the community. We always seek to highlight the members of the network so if a member has the skills for a workshop, we will turn to him/her to organize this workshop.
In our programming, you will come across 9 kinds of events, each of which has different interests for our members.
Afterwork Networking 🥂
Non-themed event over drinks outside Nomad. It is a rather informal time to meet other members of the community. This event takes place on the last Thursday of each month in a bar in Brussels.
Price: free for members / paid for non-members
Frequency: every month
Location: always outside
Meet the Community 👋
During this event, you will meet a member of the community who will share their journey. These meetings are organized around a dinner/lunch/breakfast/drink… Anything is possible. The guest can choose to organize the event outside the coworking.
Price: free for members / paid for non-members
Frequency: every 2 months
Location: at the Nomad Coworking Café or outside
Inspirational TALK 🌈
Top of the top inspiration. Improbable and qualitative encounters. This event will take place at the Nomad Coworking Café and will be recorded.
Price: free for members / paid for non-members
Frequency: when possible
Location: at the Nomad Coworking Café
Lunch&Learn 🥪
A lunch in small groups to learn more about a very specific theme over lunch. Ideally, presented by a member of the community who comes to share their expertise.
Price: paid lunch for members / supplement for non-members.
Frequency: every 2 months
Location: at the Nomad Coworking Café
Workshop 🧑🏫
Organization of a workshop related to the themes and problems encountered by the members. Our goal is to showcase the community, so it may be one of the members of the community who will give this workshop. This type of event will take place at Nomad during the day or in the evening.
Price: discount for network members
Frequency: once a month
Location: at the Nomad Coworking Café
Community brainstorming 🌪
Collective intelligence session - Need feedback to move forward in your business or discuss a problem? We gather a group of 6 people maximum, each person shares their problem and receives feedback / advice / solutions from others.
Price: Free for members
Reserved for members
Frequency: every 2 months
Location: at the Nomad Coworking Café
Expert permanence 👀
A professional is at your disposal to unblock a specific situation.
Subject: digital marketing / website / law / RS …
Price: free for members / paid for non-members
Frequency: When possible
Location: at the Nomad Coworking Café
Bookclub business 📚
1 book per term on entrepreneurship and personal development. This reading will end with a moment of exchange and debate on the subject.
Price: free for members (books not included) and paid for non-members
Frequency: quarterly
Location: at the Nomad Coworking Café
Coworking session 💻
One appointment per month to work with other members of the network at the Nomad Coworking Café and act as if we were a "colleague" for a day. Working side by side creates a bond and unblocks a lot of situations.
Price: day pass offered in the membership
Frequency: every month
Location: at the Nomad Coworking Café
Through these events, we want to create strong connections between members in order to create a close-knit community. We believe in the collective and its strength to move forward!